On February 26-27, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs held a closing conference of the 3-year research project “Non-tariff barriers, food safety and international trade”. It was funded by the BIONÆR program of the Research Council of Norway and executed by Kyiv School of Economics, NUPI and Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
More than 20 research papers were published and their conclusions were made public during the Conference.
The Ukrainian party was represented by Academic Director of Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting V.Movchan, Kyiv School of Economics fellows E.Besedina and V.Vakhitov, University of Bradford/KSE O.Shepotylo.
For more information about the Conference and its recorded version please visit: http://www.nupi.no/Arrangementer/Kommende-arrangement/Non-tariff-barriers-food-safety-and-international-trade .