NUCC Networking Meeting Was Held at Telenor
27 February 2015 11:25

Telenor head office received more than 60 people for a Networking meeting of the Norwegian-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce on February, 26. Its agenda included discussion on 2014 Annual Report, election of new Board members, short introductions on economic and security situation in Ukraine and presentation of 2the 3rd edition of “Doing Business in Norway” and “Doing Business in Ukraine” guides.

Development of situation in Ukraine was presented by Senior Researcher Fellow of Norwegian Defense Research Establishment Tor Bukkvoll and Managing Partner of “Asters” Oleksiy V. Didkovskiy. President of Kyiv School of Economics Dr.George Logush encouraged the audience to cooperate with Ukraine in innovation sphere. Annual Report for 2014 was approved and plans for 2015 highlighted. L.Akkarajy (EVRY) and A.Myklebust (Innocode) were elected as new members of NUCC Board.

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