According to the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration, as of June 2024, more than 70000 Ukrainian citizens with the status of temporary collective protection lived in Norway. The cities of Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger, Trondheim, and Drammen are the largest centres of Ukrainians. In general, Ukrainians live dispersed throughout Norway.
According to the estimates by Statistics Norway, the number of Ukrainians working in the country is approximately 11,000, of whom more than half arrived in Norway after the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion. One in five Ukrainians aged 20-66 who immigrated to Norway after the Russian invasion had a job as of November 2023 (accommodation and catering sector, business services, manufacturing, healthcare and social work, primary industry, and retail trade). There is a practice of Ukrainian labour migration on a seasonal basis: about 250 Ukrainians are non-resident foreign workers.
In Norway, there are regional Ukrainian cultural and educational organizations, as well as initiative groups that deal with specific areas of cooperation.
Den Ukrainske Forening i Norge (Oslo) was officially registered on 09.10.2004. The main goal of the organization is to preserve the national identity of Ukrainians abroad.
E-mail: [email protected]
The Ukrainian Association in Norway (Oslo) runs a Sunday school for two age groups (2-5 and 6-12 years).
The Ukrainian Union in Rogaland (Stavanger) was officially registered on 09.03.2015. The work of the organization is focused on maintaining and developing Ukrainian language and culture, and conducting volunteer activities.
E-mail: [email protected]
The Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Center in Norway (Oslo) was officially registered on 04.09.2016. The main activity of the Center is aimed at preserving the Ukrainian language, culture and traditions.
E-mail: [email protected]
The Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Center has established the Ellisiv Ukrainian School in Oslo (Ukrainske skolen «Ellisiv» i Oslo), the Ukrainian Library of Children and Youth Literature, and the Norwegian branch of the Ukrainian Scout Organization Plast.
E-mail: [email protected]
Den Ukrainske Forening i Bergen og Hordaland (Bergen) was officially registered on 2.01.2017. The Union's mission is to strengthen relations between Ukrainians and Norwegians, preserve national traditions and promote Ukrainian culture in Norway.
E-mail: [email protected]
Den Ukrainske Forening i Trondheim (Trondheim) was established on 12.10.2018. The main goal is to maintain ties with Ukrainians living in Norway, develop Ukrainian culture and language, and ensure intercultural exchange.
E-mail: [email protected]
Ukrainsk Forening Øst-Norge (Oslo) was established on 25.03.2020.
The organization was created to unite Ukrainians in Norway and promote the integration of Ukrainians into Norwegian society.
E-mail: [email protected]
Norsk-Ukrainsk organisasjon i Agder (Kristiansand) was established on 24.02.2022. The main areas of activity are assisting refugees in socializing into Norwegian society, humanitarian aid to Ukraine, and promoting Ukraine in Norway.
E-mail: [email protected]
Den ukrainske foreningen i Bodø (Bodø) was established on 29.03.2022. The organization's goal is promoting Ukrainian culture, education and social activities, as well as Ukrainian-Norwegian integration at the local level.
E-mail: [email protected]
The Association of Ukrainian Creativity and Identity (Valderøy) was officially registered on 30.06.2023. The purpose of the organization is to promote Ukrainian culture in Norway. The main areas of activity are art, music, literature, poetry, tourism, etc.
E-mail: [email protected]
Since 2006, the Ukrainian Sunday School at the Ukrainian Association in Norway has been operating in Oslo.
In 2016, Ukrainian school in Stavanger and the Ellisiv school in Oslo started their activities.
There are no Ukrainian-language media in the Kingdom of Norway.